Technically I guess I competed a 2nd time 6 months after that, but since the prep corresponded with a time in my life filled with stress as my relationship crumbled and I changed jobs I didn`t follow the diet any where close to what is required and I wasn`t mentally `there`to devote myself the way I had previously, which is what is required to be successful. Because of this I like to pretend that it didn`t happen. It really shouldn`t have happened, I started the prep for the wrong reasons (weight loss, as sadly due to my bingeing I gained back All of the weight I had worked so hard to lose) and got a horrible flu the week before, which completely blew any prep I had done. I looked awful on stage, I weighed WAY more than any competitor should have, I felt disgusted with myself and my body, basically it was one of the worst decisions of my life to go ahead and take the stage.
I was because of that experience that whenever anyone asked if I would compete again my reply was always NO WAY! I didn't want to feel that disappointment in myself for failing at something I knew I could do because I had before. Honestly, competing is really hard and very few people have what it takes to see it through to the end. It requires a strictness in exercise and diet that many people are unable to achieve and is restricting socially due to your inability to go out for regular dinners, have a glass of wine or 2, and a lot of your time is spent in the gym. Now for me, the gym time is no problem. I already spend more time that anyone I know at the gym, but instead of preparing for the stage, I have been using the gym as a way to prevent huge increases in my weight due to my frequent large binges. I know I need to stop this behavior, for the sake of my sanity, my weight and my body. All those hours at the gym are having a huge tole, resulting in a bicep tendinitis, lower back pain, knee issues...and I don't want to create any new problems.
Now even though I've always said no to competing, there was always that little voice in my head wanting me to do it again. I never revealed this to anyone because I thought if I said something I would need to go ahead with it and honestly I was scared. Scared of the prep, scared of the mental strain on my body image, scared of not succeeding, basically I didn't want to feel that sense of failure. Every time I heard someone speak of competing I wished I was joining them, wanted that challenge, but every time I said I was done with the plastic heals and the stage.
That was until a few weeks back...I ran into a good friend at the gym who had also said she would never compete again. Like me she told everyone that she enjoyed the gym and working out, but didn't want the stress of competing. And like me, inside she was wanting to do it again and regretting having not gone to provincials last year after she placed 1st with the ABBA in the figure category.
Heather had decided to compete again and I was jealous! Of all the other competitors I know that have hit the stage since I hung up my suit, it was knowing that Heather was taking the challenge again that really got me considering competing again. It took a couple days of debate in my head and then I asked for her trainer's contact information "just to look her up." Well, I went further than looking her up, I added her as a friend on Facebook and sent her a private message inquiring about training, contest prep, prices & availability. Debbie Cellini (formerly Barrable-Leung) relied immediately with the information I requested, along with her own intake form for me to fill out. I figured, either way I wanted to discuss the option of using her as a coach due to Heather's glowing recommendation.
The more I think about it, the more I want to compete. I've only told 2 friends about the possibility because they know the troubles I have with binge eating and this is the major thing holding me back. I'm going to be in my good friend's wedding in October, which is the next competition season and of course, the wedding photos are going to be in a local Calgary magazine. I am not a person who likes attention and knowing how unhappy I am with where my body is at the present I have SO much anxiety about the thought of 1000's of people seeing me in her photo's. I already had planned on upping my training and dieting for the wedding because I want to feel as confident that day as the bride. I know myself, I do better with motivation and accountability If I know I have someone to answer to about my food intake I do better with keeping my intake at reasonable amounts. Lately I have also been searching for a goal, something to strive towards, a sort of end point for all my hard work at the gym & a showcase for the results. Again, with a goal set I am more likely to get control and right now that's my biggest desire. I need to get past the bingeing in a healthy way and I need the support to help me achieve this.
For the past week I have been training at the gym as if I was going to compete and LOVING it!! I'm working out most days of the week, but listening to my body when I need to rest. I'm trying to get at least 1 day of yoga in, along with an hour full body Pump Class that uses higher reps and lower weights to vary up my routine, shock my body & hopefully shed a little extra fat. I have included my new weight training program below, which I developed from the Total Body workout plan posted on Fitness Rx magazine online, which was developed by bikini model Nicole Nagrani (she's in the photo's with the red sports bra and shorts). On this program I'm lifting heavy, low reps and actually doing less time at the gym because my food is more under control. I went 3 whole days without bingeing, which for me is incredible considering lately it has been nightly. On the night that I did over-indulge I made better choices and didn't get completely down on my self. My mood has been better since I set a goal, I feel more positive towards life and people are noticing. I am arranging to meet up with Debbie, knowing that I don't need to go all the way if it gets too difficult mentally, physically or I just decide I don't want to do the last deplete portion (the most difficult part) and compete. No matter what I will have succeeded in getting myself in a better place and will feel better about myself and the wedding and in general. Right now I want to take this challenge...wish me luck!!!
Now even though I've always said no to competing, there was always that little voice in my head wanting me to do it again. I never revealed this to anyone because I thought if I said something I would need to go ahead with it and honestly I was scared. Scared of the prep, scared of the mental strain on my body image, scared of not succeeding, basically I didn't want to feel that sense of failure. Every time I heard someone speak of competing I wished I was joining them, wanted that challenge, but every time I said I was done with the plastic heals and the stage.
That was until a few weeks back...I ran into a good friend at the gym who had also said she would never compete again. Like me she told everyone that she enjoyed the gym and working out, but didn't want the stress of competing. And like me, inside she was wanting to do it again and regretting having not gone to provincials last year after she placed 1st with the ABBA in the figure category.
Heather had decided to compete again and I was jealous! Of all the other competitors I know that have hit the stage since I hung up my suit, it was knowing that Heather was taking the challenge again that really got me considering competing again. It took a couple days of debate in my head and then I asked for her trainer's contact information "just to look her up." Well, I went further than looking her up, I added her as a friend on Facebook and sent her a private message inquiring about training, contest prep, prices & availability. Debbie Cellini (formerly Barrable-Leung) relied immediately with the information I requested, along with her own intake form for me to fill out. I figured, either way I wanted to discuss the option of using her as a coach due to Heather's glowing recommendation.
The more I think about it, the more I want to compete. I've only told 2 friends about the possibility because they know the troubles I have with binge eating and this is the major thing holding me back. I'm going to be in my good friend's wedding in October, which is the next competition season and of course, the wedding photos are going to be in a local Calgary magazine. I am not a person who likes attention and knowing how unhappy I am with where my body is at the present I have SO much anxiety about the thought of 1000's of people seeing me in her photo's. I already had planned on upping my training and dieting for the wedding because I want to feel as confident that day as the bride. I know myself, I do better with motivation and accountability If I know I have someone to answer to about my food intake I do better with keeping my intake at reasonable amounts. Lately I have also been searching for a goal, something to strive towards, a sort of end point for all my hard work at the gym & a showcase for the results. Again, with a goal set I am more likely to get control and right now that's my biggest desire. I need to get past the bingeing in a healthy way and I need the support to help me achieve this.
For the past week I have been training at the gym as if I was going to compete and LOVING it!! I'm working out most days of the week, but listening to my body when I need to rest. I'm trying to get at least 1 day of yoga in, along with an hour full body Pump Class that uses higher reps and lower weights to vary up my routine, shock my body & hopefully shed a little extra fat. I have included my new weight training program below, which I developed from the Total Body workout plan posted on Fitness Rx magazine online, which was developed by bikini model Nicole Nagrani (she's in the photo's with the red sports bra and shorts). On this program I'm lifting heavy, low reps and actually doing less time at the gym because my food is more under control. I went 3 whole days without bingeing, which for me is incredible considering lately it has been nightly. On the night that I did over-indulge I made better choices and didn't get completely down on my self. My mood has been better since I set a goal, I feel more positive towards life and people are noticing. I am arranging to meet up with Debbie, knowing that I don't need to go all the way if it gets too difficult mentally, physically or I just decide I don't want to do the last deplete portion (the most difficult part) and compete. No matter what I will have succeeded in getting myself in a better place and will feel better about myself and the wedding and in general. Right now I want to take this challenge...wish me luck!!!
photo credits: Fitness Rx magazine online
Total Body Workout Plan
For the following
plan you will be focusing on 1 or 2 muscle groups per workout and lifting heavy
weights, 1 exercise at a time
You are aiming
for a small rep range from 6-8, resting 30 seconds between sets, for a total of
4 sets for each exercise
For the Abs
Circuits do 1 set of each exercise consecutively for the number of reps noted
for each, when all exercises are complete rest for 60 seconds, repeat circuit 4
Complete 35-40 mins
of cardio before or after workout
On Cardio days do
60 minutes
There is no set
time period to complete your whole body, work through each muscle group,
interspersed with straight cardio days when you need a break & rest days as needed
Smith Machine Chest Press
Incline DB Press
Cable Cross Flat Fly (straight across body)
Decline DB Press
DB Preacher Curls
Incline DB Curls
Standing Rotation DB Curls
BB Curls
Knee-ups (15)
Crunch Machine (15)
Knee-up Twists (10 bilat)
Ball Roll-Outs (fore-arms on ball, knees on the
ground, push ball forwards & back) (15)
Ball Pull-ins (hands on the floor, feet on the ball,
using abs pull ball towards you as you bend knees in) (15)
Wide Smith Machine Squats feet on the floor, followed
immediately by very Narrow Squats with heals on a plate
Leg Curl Machine
Leg Extension Machine
Reverse Lunges with BB followed immediately by 10-15
Pop Squats
Kneeling, leaning on a ball, side leg lifts (no
OR (1 only do 1 leg workout per week due to the once
weekly full body Pump Class at Goodlife Fitness, which includes squat and lunge
Hammer Strength Incline Leg Press
Butt Machine
Cable Kick Backs
Seated Calf Raises
Hyperextensions followed immediately by Side Crunches
Standing Calf Raises
Wide Grip Pull Downs
Reverse Grip Pull Downs
Single Arm DB Rows
Assisted Wide Grip Pull-ups
Cable Seated Rows
Wide Grip Smith Machine Plank Pull-ups (hold onto
Smith Bar mid-level, laying on an incline, feet on the floor, pull chest
towards the bar)
Triceps Push-ups
Triceps Pulley Push Down using Flat Bar
Single Arm DB Triceps Extensions (laying, fist in
front of face, press away from body to the left/right)
Single Arm DB Skull-crushers
DB Overhead Press
DB Overhead Press
Decline Sit-Ups (20)
Incline Hip Raises (15)
Bench V-Ups (15)
Bench Crunches (20)
Assisted Close-Grip Pull-ups
Side DB Lateral Raise
Barbell or Plate Front Raise
Seated Machine Shoulder Press
Rear DB Lateral Raise (sitting on bench & leaning
Upright BB Rows