Sunday, March 3, 2013

January 2013 Phat Camp with Nicole Wilkins!

My dream came true in January...I got to meet AND workout with my fitness idol Nicole Wilkins!!
The IFBB Pro, 2x Olympia Figure and 3x Arnold Figure International Champion came out to Calgary with Jennifer Hendersshot for this year's Phat Camp. I admit, prior to seeing the poster on Nicole's Facebook wall I had never heard of the event, but knowing she was going I signed up right away!

I actually signed up without knowing what I was getting into and Friday evening as I sat in a room, surrounded by 100 or so other girls I got VERY nervous! What if I'm not fit enough? What if this is for girls getting ready to compete and I'm too fat and don't belong? There sat scared little Kimber, against the wall, alone chin to my knees in the fetal position, waiting to find out what was in store...

What started as a moment of anxiety and fear ended as one of the most memorable, physically and emotionally demanding weekend of my life. I walked away feeling like I could conquer the world. The challenges I was presented with that weekend through the cardio and weight training workouts designed by Jennifer Hendersshot and Latisha Wilder pushed me further than I've ever pushed myself and helped me realize exactly how fit and determined I am to succeed.

Day 1 ended with the Mountain Climber Challenge...5 minutes of non-stop Mountain Climbers!! If you slowed down, you were out; if your knee touched down, you were out; and if you just got fatigued and couldn't do another exercise you could drop out. Mentally I wasn't sure I could do the full 5 minutes, but I was going to put in my full effort! I was one of the smarter ones who paced herself from the start..and kept going...and still going...and then a moment I will remember as one of the most encouraging and inspirational...Nicole Wilkins walked by and said I was doing great, that I would make it to the end!! If mentally I wasn't prepared, hearing that from my idol made it a reality. No longer was I trying to go as long as possible, I WAS doing the full 5 minutes.
What came next started the most girl-powered, women-motivating-women weekends of my life. Another girl at camp named Sam sat down beside me and for the rest of the 5 minutes she pushed me on, encouraging me through her words and conviction that I would make it. It was the most amazing feeling to have someone there, supporting me and only still gives me goosebumps when I think about it. I finished the 5 minutes and collapsed to my knees, face bring red, sweat dripping down my nose, amazed at what I'd just done and so thankful for Sam, it was her and Nicole's encouragement that kept me going. AND best of all when I finished I got a congratulations and high-5 from my mentor herself!!!

Day 2 I pushed myself to go faster and further than I've ever gone before. I went from being afraid of the other campers to working alongside them as we motivated each other. Day 2 included 2 cardio sessions AND 2 weight training sessions for a total of 180 minutes of sweat-drenched, all-out effort. I kept waiting for my body to start shutting down, for the pain and stiffness to set in, but I stayed strong...I AM that strong! The moment of that day was when Latisha came over and praised me for how hard I was working and told me to keep it up. Somehow, within the 100 or so ladies I'd been able to stand out. My effort wasn't only in my head, but apparent to someone on the outside. Someone who KNOWS what it means to kick your own Ass! My belief in myself went up 1 notch with these simple, kind words that meant so much.

Our final day was the most taxing, but for me the most powerful. After our cardio session we were introduced to the Burpee Challenge...last woman standing received a free item from the Phat Camp store. I already had a photo of Nicole, which I'd gotten signed by the Legend herself and really all I needed, but free is always desirable and after the Mountain Climber Challenge and my confidence was high. I decided to take it 1 burpee at a time and go until I fell over. And go I did! For 10 minutes I did burpee after burpee, then mountain climbers and finally jumping-jack planks. It came down to myself and 1 other lady and neither of us was backing down. My new friends Sarah and Andrea came over when they tapped-out and did exactly what Sam had done on day 1. The encouragement, the motivation, and the belief from others that I could do it. I'd found that during the Mountain Climber Challenge I'd gotten through in almost a trance-like state, my focus was on each knee as it moved forward and back and my back for it's strength and support. I went into the same meditation-type state during the Burpee Challenge. I couldn't hear the music that was thumping, I couldn't see any of the other campers, nothing else existed except Sarah's confidence in my ability and inspirational words and my own intense concentration on my body movements. It was methodological: forward, back, jump; all the while my focus was on my bum. It took the awareness away from the burning in my legs and my fatigue.I was finally called out for not being fast enough on my jumping-jack plank, which I couldn't contest, even though there hadn't been a warning to pick up the pace. In all actuality I could have gone faster, but I was conserving my energy. I was also told by numerous participants that I should have won as my form was top-notch the whole time, while my opponent's was terrible at the end. Personally, I feel a little was related to Jennifer not liking me very much. I'm not sure why I got this vibe, she didn't seem as friendly and encouraging towards me as towards the others. I may be wrong, but it existed in my reality.

I should have been upset. I know myself, when it comes to the gym and working out I want to be the best! Instead, as I got up I was met with an overwhelming feeling of pride and the other campers clapped and cheered. My lips were blue from lack of oxygen, sweat was pouring down my face and back, and I was struggling to breath, but mostly what I remember was feeling SO proud of myself! Well, that and like my lungs were collapsing! I was on antibiotics for a lung infection that was definitely being aggravated by my intense activity and overwhelmingly so by 10 minutes of oxygen deprivation!! It felt like there was a large piece of lung cheese wedged in my bronchial that I needed to bring up and breathing was difficult. I tried using another camper's Ventolin puffer, but still ended up coughing for a full hour, man was that embarrassing!! BUT, I can say that I succeeded in every task put in front of me that weekend, even though my lung capacity was limited!!

Day 3 ended with me almost passing out during the Pop-Squat Challenge. I knew I wasn't going to win this challenge, which was actually a substantial prize - a free Phat Camp, which is worth $250. I was SO spent from the cardio, the burpees and the final weight training workout - legs. During the leg workout I actually shed a tear. I was exhausted, my legs were shaking and I felt like I couldn't go on...and then I did, I just kept going. I don't know how I found it in myself to continue the jumps, the lunges, walking in general, but I did and that my friends is what I took from that weekend. One of the biggest learning moments of my life - I am so much stronger than I think I am, I can do so much more than I ever thought possible, I am so much fitter than I ever imagined, I have the ability to push myself above and beyond comprehension. I AM FIT PROUD!!!!!

I told Andrea at the start of the Pop-Squat Challenge that I wanted to be one of the last 7 people. I wanted to win a prize and I wanted one of the big prize packages, that was my motivation. I ended up being #5 or #6 and won my prize - a bag full of Magnum Swag! Protein powder, pre-workout energy and post-workout recovery and a bunch of other supplements. All included it had to be worth at least $200, so even though I didn't get a free camp, my package was worth the same amount! I had to focus to breath instead of hyperventilate, it was so embarrassing having everyone staring at me while the camp leaders fanned me, got me fluids and made sure I was okay. And really, all that I wanted was to feel well enough to go encourage Amber, another camper, who'd come all the way from Florida that I'd met on Day 1. She is uber fit and I knew with some encouragement and motivation she would win this Challenge. I sat down in front of her and just like the others that weekend had done for me I pushed her on, inspired in her a knowledge that she can do it and the motivation to make it happen. She ended up splitting the winnings because after 16 minutes of pop-squats both her and another lady were still going strong.

I am so proud of all of us Phat Campers for what we accomplished, how hard we pushed and most of all for the women-encouraging-woman Girl-Power. Jennifer opened the weekend advising us that Phat Camp was a non-judgmental, non-comparing, striving for your personal best forum and it really was. It was such a powerful weekend I've already paid for next year and I have at least 2 friends ready to sign up and reach for their best. Together we will go further, be stronger and inspire each other - that's FitProud :)

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