Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Food Log Show and Tell - Mission: Halloween Costume

On Friday as I was driving to work I saw one of the pop-up Halloween costume & novelty shops and realized...holy crap it's just over a month until Halloween and there's no fricken way I'm fitting into my costume! I ordered the cutest Racy Robin Hood costume last year online and unfortunately it was too small...and BIG problem it arrived 3 days before Halloween! I was SO upset...

I made a mad rush to the costume shops and ended up going as Rainbow Bright (if you were born in the 80's you'll know ;). I should have exchanged the Robin Hood costume, but honestly didn't want to pay the extra shipping costs...AND I figured I had 365 full days to lose the 5-10lbs necessary to zip up the sexy Princess of Thieves, easy right???!!! Well...it looks like I was wrong and MAN was that a hard pill to swallow...
It was that moment that I was enlightened with my new Mission...should I choose to accept it (which of course I will!)...: to lose the weight necessary to be Racy Robin Hood for Halloween...whether I end up going out or not!!!

I was recently cruising through last month's Fitness Magazine and came across an article featuring some of the top fitness, weight loss and training blogs. I was interested to see that some people post daily or multiple times during a day...which got me thinking...most nights before I go to bed I use my "Lose It" App to create my food plan for the next day. The problem is that I rarely follow that plan because I have no accountability. I know I'd lose weight easily on the 1300-1500 calories I allot myself for the day with the amount of exercise I do, but since I'm regularly eating WAY more than planned I'm either gaining or staying the same.

Looking at those other well-known Blogs it came to me...I need to be posting daily and posting what I'm eating! The accountability factor is there - I know I need to record my food to have available to post AND most importantly, knowing others will be reading the Blog will ensure that I'm not eating crap, overeating or bingeing!

So here it is...my first day of food and exercise and the start of my Halloween Costume Mission. I was able to avoid the donuts in the lunch room that smelled so good right under my nose as I ate my lunch, the cookies in the cupboard that are supposed to be for patients and the peanut butter that was put in the break room for our enjoyment. All because I knew I'd have to add those items to my food log and I didn't want that posted!!
Monday Sep 17, 2012
1/2 c diet cran juice in large water
1/2 c egg white with 1/8 avocado
Coffee with unsweetened chocolate almond milk
1/3c large oats cooked with 1tbsp ground flax and cinnamon
Tea with 1% milk
3.5 oz chicken breast
1/2 c roasted potatoes & beets
1 c stir fry with cabbage, kale, onion
1/2 rice cake
couple Baby carrots, celery, snow peas
Diet ginger ale
1/2 rice cake
Dried coconut
Diet coke
Couple Baby Carrots, celery
1 tsp PB
Couple tortilla chips (they were in little pieces, hard to say exact amount)
200g 0% sugar free yogurt
2 tbsp chia/hemp seeds mixture
Large peach
1/2 rice cake
Couple tortilla chips
Crystal Lite
8:00 - workout
30 mins cross trainer
Weights: 30 Day Transformation Day #1
1/2 rice cake
Rest of the carrots, celery & snow peas
4oz xtra lean ground turkey
2 c mixed fzn Veg (carrot, broccoli & cauliflower)
Large salad with romaine, iceberg, cabbage, cherry tomatoes & balsamic vinegar
Flavored sparkling water
Rice cake with coconut oil
Soy cheese slice
almond butter - too much
Large Handful grapes
Sugar free Jello

You can see by the small snacks in the afternoon that I clearly wasn't full after lunch and was just trying to get through until my last break when I could have another snack. I was starving when I got home from the gym to have my dinner because I decided to skip the Protein Shake...but instead of looking for crap to fill the space I scarfed down my dinner and a big salad and jumped in the shower...distraction, eating avoidance technique #1!

Unfortunately, I decided after the shower that since I skipped the Protein Shake I'd be able to have a tablespoon of Almond Butter...BIG mistake :( I basically negated my whole workout by eating it by the spoonful straight out of the jar...and it wasn't just a couple spoonful’s...It had felt really good to be on-track and I was so proud of myself for hitting the gym for a solid workout after a 12 hour shift at the hospital. I hate the feeling of ruining a great day and how much I beat myself up...

I'm planning to post the following day so I can't eat extra food after the Blog has already been published. I know myself ALL too well, if there's a loop hole I'm going to find it and take advantage of it. My ups and downs...wins and losses, hopefully being open with myself and the world about these challenges will help me overcome and move forward...

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