Thursday, September 27, 2012

RIVALUS Review & Commentary: My New Workout & Protein Supplements

This week I started using a new supplement line RIVALUS I've heard a lot about the line and a couple people have recommended it to me knowing I support high quality, Canadian-made products that are free of banned substances. I appreciate the science behind RIVALUS, which has focused on creating products that aim to improve the body composition and performance of Professional & Olympic Athletes, but mainstream and approachable enough for bodybuilders and regular gym-folk like me! I also commend the company for its support of Amateur athletes by donating partial profits to scholarships for student-athletes and supporting sporting programs.

I decided to purchase the RIVALUS pre-workout and post-workout powdered products, along with their strawberry and chocolate flavored protein powders. I figured I'd give the whole line a chance since I'd heard such good things about it from Athletes and bodybuilders alike.

RIVALUS' pre-workout drink mix is called COMPLX5.
My motivation for trying this product stemmed from it being caffeine-free. I've been using straight caffeine pills, along with caffeine-fortified fat-burners for some time for their energy spike, especially prior to my morning workouts. The problem with these supplements is my Adrenals are taking a HUGE beating, which I feel is affecting my mood and overall functioning. The post-caffeine crash makes me feel like ass and since my ability to fall asleep is already crap I've been trying to decrease my overall caffeine consumption, especially in the afternoons. The problem with this is I most often hit the gym when I get off work...exhausted from a full day of nursing and dealing with patients.

I was intrigued to find in RIVALUS a pre-workout supplement that could give me the added oomph to rock my training without keeping me up all night and decided to give it a try. A local Skeleton Athlete uses the products and described COMPLX5 as having the ability to recycle my energy stores while buffering lactic acid build-up, so you can train harder and longer.

I decided to initiate the product with its biggest possible test on my evening workout that started with 30 minutes of cardio at 7:30pm, included a 30 minute Core group exercise class and concluded with an hour of Yoga at 9:00pm...followed by me going home to start getting ready for the next day and bed. Since I usually end my workouts by 7:30pm, this provided an opportune time to test whether or not I would be kept awake by the later workout and the RIVALUS pre-workout COMPLX5.

First thing I'll say is the Fruit Punch Flavor I have is delish!! I've had other pre-workout powders that I couldn't even finish because of the horrid taste, so bonus points here! 30 minutes after taking the supplement I felt the same energy boost and jitters I normally get from caffeine and was worried about how long the effects would last...amazingly I had a great workout, I had plenty of energy to get through the whole thing...AND most importantly, I slept like a baby that night!! I was sold on COMPLX5 and its ability to uphold the company's promises and its reputation.

Knowing I wasn`t going straight home after the Yoga class I brought along a shaker with my RIVALUS Chocolate PROMASIL Protein Powder and the company`s post-workout recovery powder called POST-Rx. I added both of the powders to my shaker cup before I realized that POST-Rx is flavored...thus, I added a STRONG Lemon-Lime flavored drink mix to my Chocolate protein...I could smell my mistake right away and all I could think was "why would they flavor their glutamine/BCAA combo that most people would be adding to their protein shake post-workout!!??"

Which leads to my major critique of the RIVALUS brand...there are 3 flavors available for their pre-workout COMPLX5...but only 1 for their POST-Rx...a powder I don't think should be flavored at all. The purpose of a protein/glutamine/BCAA drink combination is immediate recovery and nutrients following a workout. I add water to my shaker cup and drink it as I exit the gym. I chose to purchase POST-Rx because I often forget to take my BCAA capsules, so I'm not getting the instant effect, which would be most beneficial. I figured that buying the powder would allow me to mix my protein and glutamine/BCAA combo to avoid this issue. Instead, I now have another problem...I need to bring my protein and glutamine/BCAA separately somehow (2 shakers?? in small tupperware??) and mix each separately with water one at a time because the combination of Chocolate and Lemon-Lime was horrid!!

I also purchased the Strawberry flavored PROMASIL Protein powder...which may work ok with the Lemon-Lime POST-Rx, but I would much rather an unflavored glutamine/BCAA so the flavor of the protein powder comes through! I guess if I'd purchased the Vanilla PROMASIL it would have worked the best...but I wanted Chocolaty Goodness!!!

Which leads me to my second critique of the RIVALUS line...their PROMASIL Protein needs more flavor in general...the is directed towards their Chocolate and Strawberry flavors (I can`t speak about the Vanilla as I have yet to try it). I like to add a lot of water to my post workout drink as a rehydrator as well as a nutrient booster. I made this mistake the 1st night and had the most watery lemon-lime-chocolate concoction ever! Last night I used a lot less water with the Strawberry flavor and still no flavor punch. They really need to boost the flavor concentration to enhance palatability!
Notice that thus far my critique hasn't been so much about the value of the product and its benefit to Athletes as much as nit-picking about their taste/flavoring issues. My only other critique belongs to the sales guys at GNC who tout PROMASIL as the lowest calorie protein powder in the store...true...EXCEPT that the reason it`s lower calorie is the scoop is smaller!!! 1 scoop of PROMASIL contains only 25g, while most others in the store hold 35-45g. Of Course it will have fewer calories per scoop if the scoop is smaller, but it will also have less protein per serving (20g). Since I`m looking to lose weight not put on mass, the smaller portion and protein content works well for me, but the same may not be true for someone looking to add strength and size...and may thus need 2 scoops per that I think of it this would also probably concentrate the flavor if you used the same amount of water, so possibly the 2 scoop serving is suggested??

My positive review of the RIVALUS line is related to its composition and overall benefit for Athletes, Bodybuilders and others looking for a high-quality, well-researched supplement line. For these reasons, despite the flavoring issues I would recommend the products I have tried. I have a REALLY sensitive stomach and know IMMEDIATELY if a product isn't top quality with pain, bloating and awful gas - sorry, but true! I haven't had any gastrointestinal issues at all with any of the RIVALUS products and have now been using them for a week, which says a lot about the quality of the ingredients. I got the pump I was looking for with COMPLX5 without any crash or issues sleeping and so far I'm feeling great about the results I'm seeing from POST-Rx and PROMASIL.


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